
We are all born with a natural lens within each eye, and most of us will eventually go on to develop cataracts. A cataract is simply a cloudy lens inside the eye that causes a decrease in vision or other unwanted visual symptoms (nighttime glare, difficulty reading under low light conditions, trouble driving at night or in the rain, or generally blurry vision). Cataracts are extremely common and many people will start to develop symptoms in their 50s or 60s. Cataract surgery is the only treatment currently available to address this issue. Surgery generally takes less than 10 minutes, is virtually pain-free, and is done on an outpatient basis with minimal disruption to your daily routine. Cataract surgery also presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rid yourself of distance glasses, reading glasses, or in some cases, both. It really is an exciting opportunity if you take the time to think about it.

Dr. Kasprick has performed thousands of cataract surgeries with a greater than 99% success rate, and he would be honored to provide a consultation to you. He firmly believes that just because you have a mild cataract doesn’t necessarily mean it is the right time for surgery. He sees his role as to partner with you and offers his surgical services to improve your vision when you feel it is the right time for you. If you aren’t sure if it’s the right time for you, he is happy to talk through your symptoms and help you understand if now is the right time for surgery. He is skilled in the implantation of premium intraocular lenses, including astigmatism correcting toric lenses, extended depth of focus lenses, and multifocal lenses. He thoroughly enjoys being a cataract surgeon and would be happy to discuss your options with you!

We offer a wide range of intraocular lens implants from basic lenses up to the most advanced technology lenses available today. Whether you are preparing for an upcoming surgery, or just looking to learn more about lens implant options, please enjoy these short educational videos.

IOL Introduction

Intraocular lens implants, commonly called IOLs, may be one of the most important developments in eyecare over the last 30 years. These tiny prescription lenses are permanently placed inside the eye, to restore focusing power when an eye’s natural lens has been removed, as part of cataract surgery or lens replacement surgery. Before the development of IOLs, the only way to restore focusing power in an eye after cataract surgery was with thick, 'coke-bottle' glasses, or contact lenses. Without those glasses or contact lenses, a patient could see only shapes and colors. Today, those thick glasses and contact lenses are eliminated with an IOL. Choosing the correct lens implant for you is the best way to reduce your dependence on glasses and ensure that your cataract surgery is a resounding success.

Toric Lens Overview

This video describes the nature of astigmatism, and shows how a toric lens implant following cataract surgery can act to neutralize the astigmatism. Reducing astigmatism ultimately helps bring you closer to enjoying a life without depending on expensive prescription glasses.

Trifocal IOL

This video describes the difference between single focus IOLs and trifocal IOLs, which provide correction for near, intermediate and distance vision. Patients will learn the difference between monofocal IOLs and trifocal IOLs, and are shown the benefits of a premium IOL. Dr. Kasprick enjoys implanting the Alcon Panoptix multifocal IOL and has countless patients who have gone glasses free after choosing the Panoptix lens. Script approved by Alcon Surgical Vision.

Extended Depth of Focus

This video explains how an extended depth-of-focus (EDOF) IOL (such as the Alcon Vivity) offers a continuous range of vision and minimizes side effects of other IOLs. The extended depth of focus Vivity IOL helps to reduce your need for glasses for tasks in the intermediate range (3-5 feet). Many patients who choose a Vivity lens are able to read items at arms length as long as the print is large enough. Script approved by Alcon Surgical Vision

Educational Videos

Blurry vision? Trouble driving at night? Glare? Haloes? Tired of glasses? We can help!